Download calibre ebook management
Download calibre ebook management

download calibre ebook management

If you get an error Could not load the Qt platform plugin xcb you are missing some needed X11-XCB libraries, such as libxcb-xinerama0, for details see here.You need GLIBC 2.31 or higher and (from gcc 9.3.0) or higher to run calibre.Alternately, simply deleting the installation folder will remove 99% of the installed files. You can uninstall calibre by running sudo calibre-uninstall.

download calibre ebook management

You must have xdg-utils, wget, xz-utils and python ≥ 3.3 installed on your system before running the installer. Sudo -v & wget -no-check-certificate -nv -O- | sudo sh /dev/stdin If you still want to proceed, pass the -no-check-certificate option to wget, like this:

  • If you get an error about an untrusted certificate, that means your computer does not have any root certificates installed and so cannot download the installer securely.

  • Download calibre ebook management