Prolific usb to serial comm port not enough quota
Prolific usb to serial comm port not enough quota

prolific usb to serial comm port not enough quota prolific usb to serial comm port not enough quota prolific usb to serial comm port not enough quota

There shouldn't be any misunderstanding if you have read the previous 2 pages you would have seen that this entire time vinny was trying to update my profilux outside of ProfiluxControl. Like i said every time i try to connect to ProfiluxControl it says my firmware is too old. This entire time vinny was trying to help me update my profilux outside of ProfiluxControl since it doesn't work with my old firmware. I never said i was able to connect to ProfiluxControl that's the problem here was that i COULDN'T connect to ProfiluxControl.

Prolific usb to serial comm port not enough quota